

We have become hooked on the former TV show, West Wing over the past few weeks. I anxiously open the mailbox these days hoping to see the red Netflix envelope that promises of more Leo, Josh, Sam and C.J. The writing is brilliant and though the first season aired in 1999 it is still amazingly pertinent to 2009. To get a view behind the scenes of how our government actually works at the same time that a new president is learning the ropes in current time makes me feel that I am part of the process. Really fascinating stuff! The character development is so rich that you feel you know the people well and care about them whether you identify with their politics or not. I actually find myself tearing up occasionally.

Of course I am a visual person and I have found some minor flaws- nothing to do with the writing- but with the staging. In one episode President Bartlett is with the staff in the Oval Office speaking of the January cold when through the window you can clearly see the maple trees with all of their leaves. Being a photographer I pick up on those things. Seeing the little missteps gives me comfort that those associated with creating the show were not perfect because I know for sure I am not. It makes the characters seem even more human and believable to me.

I don’t want to drop a spoiler on you if you have not seen the series and are planning to watch it in the future so I will try to handle this delicately. The second season deals with a presidential health issue that might land him in a lot of hot water. The catch phrase that the White House Chief Counsel comes up with as President Bartlett’s standard response to all that he will face is, “Bring it on!” Probably it’s not a bad attitude for President Obama to adopt at the moment.

Since my husband Buz’s diagnosis of prostate cancer in October it has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. We have been up and down so many times that I have considered taking intravenous Dramamine to deal with the motion sickness or at least put me in a drug induced state of mellowness.

Over the past week I have noticed my energy level spiking. That frenetic unfocused energy that appeared right after the diagnosis has become my constant companion again. Forget working on anything that requires a great deal of concentration because after 10 minutes I am done! I am off to find a granola bar or play a bit of solitaire on the computer! I have a hard time even staying on the treadmill for more than 15 minutes before I want to bolt for the shower. It is like the sudden onset of Adult ADD. I am pretty upbeat, just a bit scatter brained and agitated. I have a feeling Buz is in a similar place because when we went out to lunch yesterday he could not even focus long enough to pick out something on the menu and needed me to order for him.

“You know what I like. Just order me some soup and something to go with it.”

I managed to go to the counter and do that but almost forgot to order something for me and I DID forget to order something to drink. Buz remembered the napkins, spoons and straws. I went back for water. Please! No caffeine for either of us! Anyone watching us would think we were quite the pair- each of us not sure what end is up but together we seem to function pretty well. Without thinking, one of us finishes what the other starts.

As the surgery date approaches I find myself becoming very determined about getting this &#(@$ operation out of the way. I am actually a little pissed with the cancer and want to slap it up side the head. It has occupied our life long enough and I want it to make a complete withdrawal. No lingering security forces. Not one advisor left behind to smooth over the transition! It will receive no last minute bail out either! Get out of my damn space, buddy!

Watching West Wing last night I found myself embracing that catch phrase and mumbling it under my breath. By this morning when a friend called to ask how things were going I was saying it very forcefully. Later, while sipping Chai with artist friends at the local coffee house, in answer to their concerns I shouted the catch phrase over the din of clanging coffee cups and insect drone chatter.

When I got home, I threw the back door wide open and before I set foot in the entryway, screamed,


I …..am……. ready.

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